Monday, May 19, 2008

Lina is in the house!!

So, I have registered and can now contribute to our blog :)

Work is great and even though summer is not really here I'm so happy wither is over!

Must not forget..... Happy Birthday Émil :)
4 years ago our not-so-little-anymore prince was born. It is amazing how much joy and a real sense of being a family he has brought us. I am so proud of him and he is everything I ever wished for and more.

Today I am going on caffeine and willpower! I think our kids had a sugar overdose at Émil party yesterday and they both slept bad....or nothing at all (read: Freja)!

Goodbye Punkt-se

Sorry to sound mean, but all these free newspapers that clutter our streets and transit system must stop. Punkt-se was a rehash of yesterday's aftonbladet (not high quality to begin with) but with 3 times the ads.

All the energy required to print these newspapers that just end up in the trash makes me sick. (At least Metro has recycling bins around the subway system)

Punkt-se, don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day

Long weekend over here in Sweden!

My coughing has taken a toll and apparently I have a small fracture in a rib. I did not know coughing could cause this.

Well, I am resting up a lot, the kids are playing and Lina is taking care of them. Hopefully I will see an improvement soon!